✨ Prints by Garry Pound
✨ Prints by Garry Pound
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Theo’s Umbrella
“Theo and Ellen were safe, dry, and immovable in the sanctuary of the umbrella….”
Ellen’s Blue Jay Feather
“That, Mr. Theo, is a rare blue jay feather. It’s a tail feather. I found it in the Boughery near Mr. Asher’s. I have never seen a blue jay in Golden. Not one. And I look for them. Somebody told me there used to be lots of them around here. Well, not now. But here’s what I know: if there’s a blue jay feather, there’s got to be a blue jay somewhere. That’s just simple logic. If P, then Q…” - Ellen
Theo's River Bench
“On his bench beneath the chestnut oak, Theo had an open view, upstream and down, from which to watch, hear, and cast his thoughts into the flow of the Oxbow. Where the current might take those thoughts on any given day was a mystery….”
Please note: Orders may not arrive by Christmas.